Cerebrum IQ Review: Legit Or Scam?

When it comes to online IQ testing services, one name that has recently surfaced is Cerebrum IQ which promises users a quick and affordable assessment of their intelligence quotient, the platform has garnered attention across social media and search engines.

But is the platform legit? In this post, we will review Cerebrum IQ, and what it offers and highlight some points we have analyzed to determine whether it’s a legitimate service or a scam.

What is Cerebrum IQ?

Cerebrum IQ is an online service claiming to offer a comprehensive IQ test to measure cognitive abilities. It attracts users through ads on social media platforms, highlighting an easy and inexpensive way to assess one’s intelligence.

Source- cerebrumiq.com

The platform requests users to provide credit card information to access the test, advertised at a minimal fee of around $0.99. Users quickly become entangled in a subscription model that can lead to unexpected recurring charges.

Our Analysis Of Cerebrum IQ

According to our analysis, several red flags raise significant concerns about the legitimacy of Cerebrum IQ. One of the most frequent complaints from users revolves around the deceptive nature of Cerebrum IQ’s pricing model.

While the service is advertised at a minimal fee, many users report being surprised by much higher, recurring charges. We note that users have been charged up to $50 per week without clear consent.

We also analyzed the platform’s subscription cancellation process, which poses another major concern. Many users have expressed frustration with the ineffective process of canceling their subscriptions.

Also, we note that there are suspicions regarding the integrity of the IQ test results provided by Cerebrum IQ. Allegedly, the platform intentionally generates low scores to pressure users into purchasing additional services.

This tactic undermines the credibility of the service, suggesting that Cerebrum IQ is more focused on revenue generation than on offering a genuine assessment of intelligence.


Cerebrum IQ presents itself as an affordable and straightforward IQ testing service but raises significant red flags. Our analysis highlights concerns about deceptive pricing, difficulties in canceling subscriptions, and potentially manipulated test results.

These issues suggest that Cerebrum IQ may prioritize financial gain over providing a legitimate intelligence assessment, making it a service users should approach with caution.

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