Review: Legit Store Or Scam?

Online shopping is more popular than ever but you must be careful when you face new websites offering amazing deals. One such site is, which claims to sell vintage Nike clothing and other branded items at low prices.

If you’ve found this site through an ad or social media, you could ask yourself if ThriftersLA is legit or just another scam trying to trick shoppers.

In this post, we are going to review and tell you whether it is worth it or not.

What Does Thrifters LA Offer? sells vintage clothes, mainly focusing on discounted Nike items. One of their main offers is “mystery boxes” that include 2 random vintage Nike pieces for just $19.99.
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Based in Los Angeles the store features a collection of rare and vintage clothing from popular brands like Nike, Adidas, and Carhartt.

They attract customers by offering affordable prices, promotions like “Buy One Get One Free,” and free shipping. Their focus is on providing unique, retro, and streetwear styles.

Our Analysis Of

There are many Red Flags associated with, showing it is not a trustworthy website. Here are some points that we have analyzed.

Firstly, it only launched on August 24th, 2024, which makes it a brand-new site. Older websites with a history of good customer service and transactions are more trustworthy.

Since it is so new, it doesn’t have a record of past sales or reviews, which makes it a difficult choice for online shopping.

Another concern is the customer reviews on this look suspicious. Many reviews use the same wording and tone suggesting they are fake. Real customer reviews differ in language and detail because people have different experiences.

overly positive and fake reviews on
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Also, it offers vintage Nike clothing for just $19.99. While that may seem like an amazing deal, it’s a big red flag. Authentic vintage Nike clothing, especially rare items usually cost more because of its value.

Scammers use low prices to attract people by getting them to hand over their payment details without delivering the products.

Moreover, they use images taken from other websites. This raises serious doubts about whether the products are real.

stolen images on
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Also, real businesses have active social media accounts where they interact with customers and promote their products. It doesn’t have any visible social media presence, which is concerning.

Lastly, it uses basic contact information, like a generic email address and phone number. The phone number is also linked to another website, which is suspicious.

suspicious conatct info on
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Legitimate businesses provide clear and specific contact details, which makes it easy for customers to get in touch if they have a problem with their order.

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