Keplero.AI Review: Pricing, Features, and Alternatives

Keplero.AI stands out as a user-friendly platform that enables users to connect to various data sources, including databases, APIs, spreadsheets, and files, to create interactive charts, maps, tables, and dashboards.

They also focus on simplicity and accessibility, Keplero.AI aims to democratize data visualization, certifying individuals and communities to emanate insights from their data effortlessly.

Keplero.AI Review is a tool that helps you make cool charts and dashboards with your data. You can link it to different places where your data lives, like databases or spreadsheets So, Here is the Unbiased Review of Keplero. AI which includes its Pricing, Features, and Alternatives.

Pricing of Keplero.AI

Keplero.AI offers a flexible pricing model based on the number of users, data sources, and dashboards required. Users can start with a free plan, which includes up to 3 dashboards and connectivity to 2 data sources. Paid plans range from $9 to $99 per month, depending on the features and resources needed.

Features of Keplero.AI

Here are Some Key Features Of Keplero.AI that help you to whether this AI is beneficial for you or not.

Ease of Use

Keplero.AI prioritizes user-friendliness, offering drag-and-drop features, natural language queries, and pre-built templates to streamline the data visualization process. Users can create stunning visualizations in minutes, yet of their technical skills or coding experience.

Advanced Functionality

In addition to basic visualization stuff, Keplero.AI provides advanced features such as data blending, filtering, collection, calculations, and custom expressions. These functionalities allow users to explore and analyze their data in depth, unlocking valuable insights and trends.

Alternatives to Keplero.AI

Keplero.AI offers powerful data visualization capabilities, exploring alternatives that can provide users with additional options to suit their specific needs.


Tableau is a powerful and widely used data visualization and analytics platform offering a broad range of capabilities, including data preparation, machine learning, natural language processing, and collaboration.

It also provides users with the flexibility to create rich and interactive dashboards and reports tailored to their requirements.

Power BI

It is Developed by Microsoft, Power BI integrates seamlessly with various data sources and services such as Excel, SQL Server, Azure, and Office 365. It offers users the ability to create compelling dashboards and reports, leveraging advanced analytics and visualization tools to derive actionable insights from their data.

Google Data Studio

Google Data Studio is a free and user-friendly tool that connects to Google products such as Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Sheets, and Google BigQuery.

It allows users to create and share custom reports and dashboards effortlessly, enabling collaboration and data-driven decision-making across teams.

Read: Rasper AI Review: Pricing, Features, and Alternatives

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