Desert Greener Review: Is DGRX Token Legit?

Desert Greener is a cryptocurrency company that uses a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) model. It is run by Carl Albrecht Waldstein and is based in Austria. This operates mainly through two websites: and

Recently, Desert Greener has acquired awareness in the cryptocurrency community because of its DGRX token. In this post, we will explore the DGRX Token and evaluate whether investing in the DGRX token is a good idea.

What Is DGRX Token?

The DGRX token is a cryptocurrency connected to Desert Greener, a company in the Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) space within the cryptocurrency. It’s used to buy NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) within the Desert Greener platform, which gives future returns based on profits.

Affiliates can invest in DGRX tokens at different levels with investments ranging from €250 to €50,000. They claim the more you invest the more DGRX tokens you receive.

DGRX Token

The compensation plan allows affiliates to earn commissions through recruiting others and also from the investments of their recruits and their recruits’ recruits. This creates multiple layers of potential income.

However, there are several concerns about the DGRX token and Desert Greener. The company doesn’t offer tangible products and isn’t registered with financial regulators. Also, its business model closely resembles that of a Ponzi scheme.

Products and Services

Desert Greener doesn’t sell any physical products or services. Instead, affiliates invest in DGRX tokens, which are used to buy NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) that promise future profits. This focus on digital assets like tokens and NFTs is a common tactic in the cryptocurrency MLM sector that attracts investors seeking high returns and innovative opportunities.

Compensation Plan

Desert Greener’s compensation plan is based on investing in DGRX tokens. Affiliates can invest amounts ranging from €250 to €50,000.

Investment TierAmount InvestedDGRX Tokens Received
Bronze€2502,500 DGRX tokens
Silver€5005,000 DGRX tokens
Gold€1,00010,000 DGRX tokens
Platinum€2,50025,000 DGRX tokens
Hero€5,00051,250 DGRX tokens
HeroPlus€10,000105,000 DGRX tokens
HeroPro€25,000268,750 DGRX tokens
HeroVIP€50,000550,000 DGRX tokens

This determines how many tokens they receive. Affiliates earn commissions both by recruiting new investors and from the investments made by their recruits. This structure is of MLM schemes, where the priority is on bringing in more investors to increase earnings.

Is DGRX Token Legit?

We have identified several red flags you should be aware of before investing in Desert Greener, so you can avoid traps that might risk your investment.

1. Lack of Tangible Products

A major concern with Desert Greener is that it does not offer any physical products or services. This is a common feature of Ponzi schemes where the business model depends on a constant influx of new investments to pay returns to earlier investors.

Without tangible products or services, the company’s revenue primarily comes from new investor funds rather than from a sustainable business operation.

2. Unregistered with Financial Regulators

This company is not registered with financial regulators. This becomes a negative sign of security fraud. Legitimate investment platforms register with regulatory bodies to assure transparency and protect investors.

The lack of regulatory oversight heightens the risk of fraudulent activities and financial loss as there is no official body guaranteeing the company’s compliance with financial regulations.

3. Ponzi Scheme Tactics

Desert Greener’s business model relies on new investments to provide returns to earlier investors a hallmark of Ponzi schemes.

Desert Greener Ponzi Scheme

In such schemes, the continuous flow of new money is essential for maintaining payouts. When the flow of new investors slows down the scheme collapses which results in significant financial losses for most participants.

4. Connections to OneCoin

Desert Greener has connections to OneCoin, a notorious Ponzi scheme that collapsed in 2017 after defrauding investors of billions of dollars. This association raises serious concerns about the legitimacy and ethical practices of Desert Greener. The link to OneCoin casts a long shadow over Desert Greener’s credibility.

5. Limited Online Presence

The leader of Desert Greener Carl Albrecht Waldstein has very little online presence and vanished from social media in 2021. This lack of visibility and engagement is worrying. Strong and transparent leadership is important for building trust and credibility, and Waldstein’s disappearance undermines confidence in the stability and integrity of Desert Greener.


Investing in cryptocurrency and MLM schemes requires careful research and a clear understanding of the risks involved. It is suggested to be aware of offers that promise high returns with little effort.

Even though the potential for big profits can be attractive, many of these schemes are structured to benefit only those at the top and leave most investors with significant losses.

There are several major concerns for Desert Greener and the DGRX token. These include the lack of tangible products no registration, etc. These techniques are similar to Ponzi schemes with connections to the notorious OneCoin.

These points suggest that the risks of investing in Desert Greener are much higher than the possible rewards. Therefore, it’s essential to do thorough research and explore more transparent and reliable investment options before making any decisions.

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