Erica Diarte Carr GoFundMe: The Truth Behind Her Viral Campaign!

In recent weeks, Erica Diarte-Carr’s story has become viral on social media, largely because of her GoFundMe campaign, titled “Support Erika: A Mother Planning Her Own Funeral.” This campaign has raised over $642,000, far exceeding its original $5,000 goal.

Like many viral fundraisers, queries have occurred about the truth of her story. In this post, we will explore who Erica is, the reasons behind her campaign, and the ongoing discussions about its authenticity.

Who is Erica Diarte-Carr?

Erica Diarte-Carr is a 30-year-old single mother living in Ogden, Utah. She has two children, Jeremiah, 7, and Aaliyah, 5, who motivate her as she battles terminal cancer.

Her health problems started on May 7, 2022, when she went to the emergency room, thinking she had a shoulder injury.

Instead, doctors analyzed her with stage 4 Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (SCLC), an aggressive type of lung cancer that spreads quickly to other parts of the body.

Erica Diarte Carr GoFundMe
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Since then, Erica has experienced many treatments but faced many difficulties. In January 2024, doctors diagnosed her with Cushing syndrome, which declined her health and caused weight gain and other complications.

As her condition worsened, Erica made the difficult decision to plan her own funeral and provide her children with financial security after her death.

Erica Story Behind GoFundMe Campaign

Erica started her GoFundMe campaign to cover her funeral costs and provide for her children’s future. Initially, she set the goal at $5,000, but the campaign quickly raised over $642,000 from thousands of donors.

In her campaign, Erica admitted feeling apologetic about asking for help but said she had no choice as her health declined. She explained that she could no longer work because of her illness and hadn’t saved any money or set up life insurance.

Is Erica Diarte Carr GoFundMe Legit?

Yet the emission of donations, some people have doubted the truth of Erica’s story, imagining it could be a case of crowdfunding fraud. However, investigations into her claims have found no solid evidence indicating her campaign is anything other than genuine.

The information on her GoFundMe page matches public records about her medical history and treatments.

Erica Diarte Carr GoFundMe
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Additionally, her local community has shown strong support for her. Friends and family have shared her story on social media and given personal testimonies to back her up. GoFundMe has not flagged or suspended her campaign for suspicious activity, which shows its legitimacy.

Unfortunately, Erica’s campaign has also attracted scammers. Fake social media accounts using her name have appeared that direct people to fraudulent links that could steal their personal information or damage their devices. These scams act as a reminder to always verify the legitimacy of sources before donating online.


After closely reviewing Erica Diarte-Carr’s GoFundMe campaign, there is no solid evidence that it is a scam. Her story, combined with the support from her community and online donors, indicates that she is genuinely seeking help during a difficult time.

While it’s important to be cautious when donating online, Erica’s situation highlights the susceptibility and strength people show in the face of adversity. The overwhelming support for her campaign reflects deep sympathy and a shared desire to help those in need.

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