Goftex.com Review: Real or Fake?

GOFTEX is a cryptocurrency exchange that enables the buying, trading, and swapping of over 100 cryptocurrencies. The platform highlights its robust security measures and competitive trading fees.

In this post, we are going to review Goftex.com and tell you whether it is legitimate or another scam.

What is Goftex.com?

Goftex claims that security is a top priority with advanced risk control systems, hybrid wallet technologies, and strict authorization controls to protect user data and assets. Also, GOFTEX offers an affiliate program that allows users to earn commissions by referring others.

Source – Goftex.com

The platform’s commitment to security and data protection is underscored by its various certifications, including ISO 27001, SOC 2, CCSS Level 3, and PCI DSS compliance.

Is Goftex.com Real?

No, Goftex.com is a fake cryptocurrency trading platform. We have identified several red flags that you should be aware of to avoid falling into crypto scams.

Fake ICOs and Worthless Investments

Goftex.com promotes fake Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and worthless investments. They attract unsuspecting investors with promises of high returns on new and exciting cryptocurrencies.

Pump and Dump Schemes

Goftex.com may artificially inflate the value of a cryptocurrency by generating hype and encouraging you to invest. Once enough money has been invested, the scammers sell off their holdings, causing the value to crash.

False Promises of High Returns

Goftex.com attracts investors with promises of incredibly high returns. They claim you can make substantial profits quickly. These false promises are a major red flag. In the investment world, high returns come with high risks, and there are no guarantees.

Ponzi and Pyramid Schemes

Fraudulent platforms like goftex.com operate using Ponzi and pyramid schemes. These rely on recruiting new investors to pay returns to earlier investors.

This continues until there are no new investors which causes the scheme to collapse. When this happens, most investors lose their money.

Phishing Attempts

Scammers on these platforms frequently try to steal your personal information through phishing. They send emails or messages asking for sensitive details such as passwords or credit card information.


Goftex.com claims to prioritize security and has various certifications, it is a fraudulent cryptocurrency trading platform. They promote fake Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and worthless investments, manipulate cryptocurrency prices through pump-and-dump schemes, and promise unrealistically high returns.

Additionally, Goftex.com operates using Ponzi and pyramid schemes, relying on new investors to pay off earlier ones until the scheme collapses. They also engage in phishing attempts to steal personal information.

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