Id.Me Scam: Don’t Fall For These Fake Warnings!

Nowadays, identity verification services like play an important role in securely confirming user identities online. However, scammers always look for ways to use popular platforms, and is no exception.

In this post, we will review Id.Me Scam, how this scam works, and what to do if you fall for Id.Me Scam.

What is Id.Me Scam?

The scam involves fraudsters using the trusted identity verification service,, to steal personal information. Scammers impersonate through various tactics such as phishing emails, smishing (SMS phishing) text messages, and vishing (voice phishing) phone calls.

These fraudulent communications create a sense of urgency, warning of unusual account activity or threatening immediate account suspension.

Victims are directed to fake login pages or coerced into revealing sensitive information, which the scammers then use for identity theft and other malicious purposes.

How Id.Me Scam Work?

The scam works by tricking users into believing they are interacting with the legitimate service. Scammers send fraudulent emails that appear to come from These emails often include urgent messages about security updates or account closures to create a sense of urgency.

The Email looks like this:

Id.Me Scam message

They use convincing language and visuals, such as logos and professional formatting, to make the email look authentic. The goal is to entice the recipient into clicking on a link, labeled “Verify with,” which leads to a fake login page.

The scammers capture this data once the victim clicks on the link and enters their login credentials and personal information on the fake site. They can then use the stolen information to commit identity theft and gain unauthorized access to sensitive accounts.

Id.Me Scam Email

An scam email mimics the appearance of legitimate communications to deceive recipients. It includes urgent subject lines such as “Final Warning – Important Next Step” to create a sense of urgency.

The email uses the logo and professional formatting to appear authentic. It contains a message about a major security update or account verification requirement, instructing the recipient to click a link to “Verify with”

Id.Me Customer Service Phone Number

The customer service phone number for is 1-866-775-4363. If you need assistance, it’s best to contact them directly to ensure you’re getting help from a legitimate source. Always verify you’re on the official website before providing any personal information.

Id.Me Scam Reddit

There are multiple discussions shared by users on Reddit regarding scams. Many users have detailed their personal experiences of receiving such fraudulent emails, highlighting the tactics scammers use to deceive individuals.

Source- Reddit

How to protect yourself from these Scams?

To protect yourself from Id.Me Scam or any other similar scam like this, here are some steps to try to protect yourself from these scams.

1. Change Your Passwords

If you suspect that you have fallen victim to an scam, immediately change your passwords for any accounts that are compromised. Use strong, unique passwords for each account to enhance security.

2. Watch Your Accounts

Check on your financial and online accounts for any unusual activity. Report any unauthorized transactions or changes to the relevant institutions promptly.

3. Report the Scam

Report the scam to the relevant authorities, such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). Reporting helps these organizations track scam trends and take action against fraudsters.

4. Verify Legitimacy

Always verify the authenticity of the sender before clicking on any links or providing any information. Instead of relying on links from unsolicited messages, visit the official website directly to check for any issues with your account.


Is a legitimate site?

Yes, is a legitimate site that provides secure identity verification services for government agencies, healthcare providers, and other organizations. However, scammers sometimes impersonate to steal personal information.

Why would a scammer ask for ID?

A scammer asks for ID to steal personal information, which they can use for identity theft, gain unauthorized access to sensitive accounts, or sell on the dark web for financial gain.

Is safe to give SSN?

Yes, is generally safe for providing your Social Security Number (SSN) as it uses advanced encryption and security measures to protect personal information. However, always ensure you are on the official website and not a phishing site before entering sensitive information.

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