Is Travel Fee Settlement Legit Or Scam?

The case “Miller et al. v. Travel Guard Group, Inc. et al.,” Case No. 21-cv-09751-TLT, is about a legal agreement approved by a court in Northern California. It concerns people who bought Travel Guard insurance plans in California and Washington through places like Expedia and United Airlines.

What is Travel Fee Settlement?

The Travel Fee Settlement is about a lawsuit against Travel Guard Group, Inc. and others, claiming they didn’t price their insurance plans fairly. It’s been approved by the U.S. District Court in Northern California. They’ve set aside nearly $24 million to pay back people who bought Travel Guard insurance through places like Expedia and United Airlines.

Source – Travel Fee Settlement

Scam Overview

The website has received mixed user reviews and trust scores. According to sources like Scam Detector and Scam Adviser, the website has been flagged for some risk factors. These include concerns about the hidden identity of the website owner, its recent launch, and sharing a server with other low-trust websites.

These issues have raised doubts about whether the website is legitimate or not, as noted by Scam Detector and Scam Adviser. Discussions on forums such as Reddit also reflect doubt among users, further questioning the site’s authenticity.

Is Travel Fee Settlement Legit?

Travel Fee Settlement has received a mix of good and bad reviews from people. Here are some red flags to consider.

1. Hidden Owner Identity

The website Travel Fee Settlement is new, having been online for around four months. However, the site does not disclose the name of its owner.

Source – ScamAdviser

2. Domain on Shared Server

The website is hosted on a server that it shares with many other websites known for not being trustworthy. Scammers often do this to reach more people without spending much money.

3. Lack of Official Information

The website lacks clear information, which raises concerns. Legitimate websites always provide exact and clear details.

4. No Social Media Presence

This website doesn’t have any social media links. Social media pages are important for users because they help people connect with websites easily. Many people are having problems because of this.

Our Review

Maybe it’s legitimate or a scam isn’t clear. People are unsure about it. Some Reddit users think the website is real, but others say it’s not. However, there isn’t solid evidence either way to confirm if it’s legit or a scam.

Read: Review: Is It Legit Or Scam?

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