Review: Is It Legit or Scam? claims to be a ticket-booking website for airlines around the world. They offer airline tickets at a cheaper price than other websites that have a Consumer First philosophy.

What is is an airline ticket-booking website offering high discounts on all airlines. Also, they accept every type of currency around the world. They are known for their easy-to-use interface.

Is It Legit or Scam?

Many users have reported their issues with the website on Reddit and Trustpilot. Some users were facing issues with customer support and some of them didn’t get their tickets even after the payment. There are several Red Flags that can be considered.

1. No Refunds

Users of are facing issues in getting refunds even if their flight got canceled or the user wants to cancel the ticket. They don’t provide refunds, even if the problem is from the provider side. Review
Source – Trustpilot

2. No Active Social Medias doesn’t have any active social media at present. They didn’t post anything on Twitter since 30 Jan 2019. Inactive Socials is also a sign of a scam or fraud website. So, This is a sign against the legitimacy of this website.

3. Poor Customer Support users are facing a lot of issues with customer support. Many times, users didn’t get a reply from customer support, and some users had to pay money for assistance from customer support. Review
Source – Trustpilot

Read: Review: Is It Legit Or Scam?

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