Mason And Rae Review: Legit or Scam?

Recently, Mason And Rae an online clothing retailer, has caught a lot of attention, but not all in a good way.

Many shoppers question whether the brand is legitimate, which points out several red flags that raise doubts about its trustworthiness.

In this article, we’ll explore what Mason And Rae is all about, the red flags, and offer a conclusion to help you make an informed decision.

What Is Mason And Rae?

Mason & Rae is a UK clothing brand offering stylish and versatile designs for men and women. Since 2017, they have focused on making comfortable and fashionable pieces for all body types.

Mason And Rae
Source – Mason And Rae

Their collections have bold prints, bright colors, and unique details, which break traditional fashion rules.

It claims to provide high-quality clothing that boosts confidence and comfort, all while keeping prices affordable so customers can enjoy shopping without breaking the bank.

Our Analysis Of Mason And Rae

Many Red Flags are associated with Mason And Rae, which shows it is not a trustworthy website. Here are some points that we have analyzed.

First, the site shows unverified customer reviews and claims a 4.5 rating, which looks suspicious.

When we checked Trustpilot, the actual score was only 2.9. This means the overly positive reviews on the site are likely fake, which makes it a major red flag.

Lack of Verified Customer Reviews on Mason And Rae
Source – Mason And Rae

Also, the shipping and refund policies on its site are unclear. For example, they mention “non-refundable on certain items” but don’t specify which items.

This lack of clarity raises concerns about their transparency and how they handle customer service issues.

Many buyers say the clothing is poorly made and uses cheap materials. One customer bought a jacket for €44 but found it flimsy and not worth the price.

A lack of contact options is another red flag. It offers limited details, which makes it difficult for customers to get support if issues arise.

The brand lacks phone support, and customers can only use an online form, which causes delays in responses.

Limited Contact Information on Mason And Rae
Source – Mason And Rae


Mason & Rae looks like a legitimate fashion brand, but the lack of verified customer reviews, big discounts, and unclear customer service policies are worrying. While it’s not easy to say for sure if Mason & Rae is a scam, these red flags should make buyers more careful.

If you decide to shop with Mason & Rae, take some precautions. Research the brand, check for real customer reviews, and use secure payment options.

Online shopping offers great deals, but it also comes with risks. By staying careful and being proactive, you can avoid falling for scams not just on Mason & Rae, but on any site.

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