True Beauty Glow Review: Is It Legit Or Scam?

True Beauty Glow claims to provide free shipping on orders over $100, with delivery times of 6-9 days in the US and 7-10 days internationally. True Beauty Glow guarantees satisfaction with a warranty that covers defective items, offering free replacements.

What Is True Beauty Glow?

True Beauty Glow claims to be a skincare brand that makes high-quality facial massagers to grow your natural beauty. Their main product has 7 LED lights that help to slim your face and neck, improve facial symmetry, reduce wrinkles, and fight acne. Their customer support team is available Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM EST.

True Beauty Glow Review: Is It Legit Or Scam?
Source – True Beauty Glow

Is It Legit Or Scam?

Many customers have complained about getting their products later than the website promised. Some haven’t received their products even after waiting some weeks. Here are some red flags you can consider.

1. Lack of Contact Information

The website doesn’t give an email address or phone number, making it hard to contact the company with questions or problems. This missing contact info can be a big trust issue.

True Beauty Glow Review: Is It Legit Or Scam?
Source – True Beauty Glow

2. Fake Reviews

The reviews on the website seem very positive, without any complaints or mistakes. This makes it possible that they’re not real reviews. Real reviews usually have both good and bad things mentioned by different people.

True Beauty Glow Review: Is It Legit Or Scam?
Source – True Beauty Glow

3. Limited Time Offers and Pressure to Buy

The website tries to make you buy things quickly by offering deals that only last for a short time. This might make you decide without thinking carefully and stop you from doing thorough research.

True Beauty Glow Review: Is It Legit Or Scam?
Source – True Beauty Glow

4. No About Us Information

There’s not enough information about who operates the website, what they stand for, or where they come from. This makes it hard to trust them.

True Beauty Glow Review: Is It Legit Or Scam?
Source – True Beauty Glow

5. Lack of Transparency

True Beauty Glow is a recently created website that’s only been around for about two months. The owner’s name is not disclosed on the site.

True Beauty Glow Review: Is It Legit Or Scam?
Source – ScamAdviser

6. Unrealstic Discounts

The website has big discounts, like 50% off. This is not normal for good skincare products. Usually, well-known brands don’t give such huge discounts.

7. No Clear Refund Policy

The website doesn’t clearly explain its refund policy. If you have a problem with a product, they won’t accept returns or give your money back.

How To Spot These Scam?

  • Check Price: Check the prices of True Beauty Glow products against similar items from other brands. If True Beauty Glow’s prices are much higher and they don’t provide a good reason for it, or if there are extra fees that aren’t clear upfront, it might be a red flag.
  • Payment Security: Confirm the website has secure payment options. Look for a secure padlock symbol or “https://” in the website address. If the site doesn’t have these, or if it asks for payment in a way that seems unsafe, it might not be secure.
  • Inconsistent Information: if you see different information about a product on different websites or the company says different things about what their products can do. It could be a warning sign.

Read: Fitfusion Store Review: Is It Legit Or Scam?

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