How to Use Open AI Whisper

OpenAI Whisper is a system that listens to people, talks, and writes down what they say. It is good at understanding different voices and getting the right words. Whisper has learned from listening to lots of different conversations, and that is about 680,000 hours.

Here are Some Steps that help you to use Whisper easily.

Install Dependencies

When You will Use Whisper it is important to check your computer has everything it needs. You will need Python 3.7 or newer, PyTorch (version 1.12.1 or newer is best), and FFmpeg for working with audio.

Install Whisper

When you have everything set up, install Whisper. Type a command called “pip install whisper-ai” into your computer, and it’ll do the rest. This command will bring Whisper onto your computer and everything it needs to run smoothly.

Start Using Whisper

Now, you can start using it to change audio into text. First, you need to tell your computer to use Whisper. Then, get your audio file ready by cutting it into smaller pieces, usually around 30 seconds each. After that, change the audio into a log-Mel spectrogram using special tools.

When your audio is ready, It’ll check what language is spoken and turn the audio into written words. it can understand different accents, background noise, and also technical words.


When You don’t want to allow Whisper to do everything on your computer, You Should go to the WhisperUI website, There’s a simpler way to use Whisper. Upload your audio files and adjust any settings you need, This website makes it easier for people who aren’t tech-intelligent to use Whisper.

Read: Is HIX AI Safe?

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